Denai Alam
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
RM122k - RM14mRent
RM1.7k - RM4.5kFor Sale on PropSocial
908 ListingsFor Rent on PropSocial
41 Listings
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Benji Lim
Review on Denai Alam
25 June 17
it is a good place to stay, but a bit far from the KL City area.Must have own transport if you want to eat outside
Beast Lim
Review on Denai Alam
12 June 16
Traffic is quite good. 99% landed property. Quiet area. The only thing not good is that you have to travel for food, especially Chinese food. Quite safe, gated & guarded. Good for families. New area called Elmina.
PropSocial's Review
Denai Alam is a masterfully planned township located within the Shah Alam city centre, adjacent to Taman Bukit Subang and alongside the Guthrie Corridor Expressway. The word ‘Denai’ defines the landscaped footpaths for pedestrians and non-motorised vehicles, which became the concept for this township.
Developed by Sime Darby Property Development Sdn Bhd and launched in November 2004, Denai Alam was inspired by the traditional Malay village-communal living with the idea of emphasising a tight-knit community lifestyle. The development was awarded the Planning Innovation Award 2003 by the Malaysian Institute of Planners.
A key important point of Denai Alam is its low density feature whereby there are only 8 units per acre. Facilities and amenities are easily accessible within and around the township, and it is also complemented by an abundance of lush greenery with other luxuries such as water features and walkways. There are even golf clubs as well as a Denai Alam Recreational and Riding Club where members can get together and share their love for horses and horse riding.
As Denai Alam is a relatively new development, there are no available modes of public transportation within the township. However, there are RapidKL buses that residents can use along the route of Subang Perdana. With new developments on the rise, there is a huge potential for Denai Alam to grow and increase in population.
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Analysis & Comparison
- Transacted Prices
Analysis and comparison of average transaction, for sale and for rent prices for landed, non-landed and commercial properties within Denai Alam *
* To provide you the most accurate information some columns may appear as ‘Insufficient Data’ due to insufficient transactions in the area
Non-Landed | Landed | Commercial | |
Avg Transacted Price | |||
Avg Transacted Price(Psf) | |||
Avg For Sale Listing Price | |||
Avg For Sale Listing Price(Psf) | |||
Avg For Rent Listing Price | |||
Avg For Rent Listing Price(Psf) |
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This is a representation of historical transaction prices within the neighbourhood, categorised by non-landed (condominium, serviced apartment, apartment), landed (townhouse, terrace, bungalow, semi-detached, house) and commercial (office, shop).
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Transacted Prices will give you an idea of the neighbourhood’s property price trend.
- Ethnicities
- Consumer Price Index
Did you know?
An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience. (Wikipedia)
* Data obtained from official source.
Consumer Price Index The Consumer Price Index (CPI) line shows an increment in prices of essential goods on a yearly basis, while the Percentage Changes line shows the level of changes in price increments over the years. For example, a dip in the CPI line may indicate a low level of price increment as compared to the previous year while a surge in CPI line shows a high level of price increment as compared to the previous year.
The above graph shows 1.644% of price changes in essential goods such as rice, meat and tobacco between the years 2011 and 2012, while increasing in difference to 2.093% in 2013. Prices of essential goods then increasing to 3.448% in the year 2014 while surging by 2.523% in 2015.
While the prices of essential goods have shown a variation in the Percentage Changes, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the other hand indicates a reality of ever increasing prices in essential goods with increments between the years 2011 - 2015 at 102.7 in 2011, 105.1 in 2012, 107.3 in 2013, 111.0 in 2014, 113.8 in 2015.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) line shows an increment in prices of essential goods on a yearly basis, while the Percentage Changes line shows the level of changes in price increments over the years. For example, a dip in the CPI line may indicate a low level of price increment as compared to the previous year while a surge in CPI line shows a high level of price increment as compared to the previous year.
The above graph shows 1.644% of price changes in essential goods such as rice, meat and tobacco between the years 2011 and 2012, while increasing in difference to 2.093% in 2013. Prices of essential goods then increasing to 3.448% in the year 2014 while surging by 2.523% in 2015.
While the prices of essential goods have shown a variation in the Percentage Changes, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the other hand indicates a reality of ever increasing prices in essential goods with increments between the years 2011 - 2015 at 102.7 in 2011, 105.1 in 2012, 107.3 in 2013, 111.0 in 2014, 113.8 in 2015.
This is a representation of Selangor Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the year of 2011 - 2015
Did you know?
A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. (Wikipedia)